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China's display industry is turning from large to strong, improving upstream supporting facilities is the key

In the electronic information industry, the display industry occupies an important position and is a national strategic pillar industry. It is also one of the few industries in China that has a relatively leading position in the world. Especially in the production of TFT-LCD display panels, China's production capacity scale is already the world's largest. There is no doubt that in the future life cycle of the TFT-LCD industry, the number one position will not be shaken.

With unremitting efforts in the past ten years, we have got rid of the dilemma of "lack of cores and screens" and established a huge panel production industrial system. However, looking at the entire display industry chain, we still face many problems: the upstream core raw materials and key equipment are insufficient, and many fields have not yet achieved localization. A truly powerful country in the display industry needs to establish a complete industrial chain, and there can be no jamming links. How to improve the domestic display industry chain has always been a topic of concern to the industry.

In response to the theme of "cooperation and win-win innovation industry chain", the "2020 Cross-Strait (Nanjing) New Display Industry Summit Forum" was successfully held in Nanjing from September 10th to 12th, 2020. As an annual global comprehensive industry summit jointly held by both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the conference closely followed the development trend of the new display industry and attracted more than 600 domestic and foreign business and academic leaders. Upstream material equipment companies, panel companies, and terminal application companies were around In-depth discussions were made on topics such as the construction of the entire industry chain and localization supporting facilities.

Big but not strong, still need strong chain, supplement chain

Ouyang Zhongcan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Director of the Strategic Development Committee of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, stated in his speech that in 2020, the area of ​​TFT-LCD panel shipments in mainland China will account for 53% of the world’s total, and it will account for 66% of the world by 2023. % Share. In 2018, global AMOLED panel shipments were 6.36 million square meters, of which Samsung accounted for more than 95%, the only one being the largest. With domestic panel companies investing heavily in the construction of AMOLED production lines, the current planned production line construction will exceed Samsung's production capacity.

Although the production capacity of China's display panels has been increasing year after year, and its share is gradually surpassing the world, it has only achieved the "large" scale, and there is still a long way to go from the "strong". Professor Zhang Baizhe of Tsinghua University pointed out that the scale of my country's display industry is already very large, but it is not very strong. It is strongly reflected in economic benefits. The localization or localization of upstream materials is also an important part of improving efficiency. The biggest profit in the industry chain is raw materials and equipment, but the technical threshold is high and requires a longer-term accumulation. Although the profit margin of the whole machine is also large, there are many sharers (foundries, brand owners, and distributors), especially It is because of severe price competition in my country's terminal products. At present, only a few display device companies in my country have truly become leading companies with global competitiveness. The "imbalance" problem in the development of upstream materials and equipment is relatively prominent, and the ability to resist external uncertain risks is relatively weak, and the industry chain is safe. Insufficient sense of autonomy has not yet formed the competitiveness of the entire industry chain.