Supplier of global advanced organic electronic materials

Huarui Optoelectronics fifth-generation thin film transistor liquid crystal display project successfully capped

The concrete was poured in 48 days, the main steel column was hoisted in 67 days, and the roof structure was capped in 47 days. Huarui Optoelectronics Project has continuously refreshed the construction speed of the plant. From February 4th to construction on August 30th, the project was safely constructed for 208 days. According to the plan, the construction of the Huarui Optoelectronics Project Phase I was completed with a ceiling of 345,000 square meters. Next, we will sprint the second phase of construction goals and continue to fight for the successful completion of the project.

The construction site is racing against time, and the labor competition is in full swing. The participating units worked hard to innovate, attack and compete, carefully build, strengthen standards, and work together to make Huarui Optoelectronics project a civilized construction, fast progress, and excellent quality projects. Not only proved the photoelectric speed, but also proved the "port area speed", setting a benchmark for the construction of the airport economic experimental zone project!

After the project is completed and put into use, it will truly fill the gap in Henan's new flat panel display industry. At the same time, it will promote the strong chain of the electronic information industry, foster strategic emerging industries, enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and build the airport experimental zone. Intelligent terminals provide strong support for the world-class electronic information advanced manufacturing clusters, and will actively promote the industrial competitiveness of the airport experimental area, optimize supply-side structural reforms, and implement high-quality economic development. And demonstration role.