Supplier of global advanced organic electronic materials

The upstream enterprises in the OLED industry are all brilliant, and the AMOLED industry is in a dark state.

Driven by the rapid development of the panel market, upstream material companies have also begun to seek a new round of research and development innovation and breakthrough. Like other semiconductor materials, the research and development technology and funding threshold of AMOLED organic materials are very high. Even the early material giants are often incapable of tackling high-end materials. Innovation has not moved, capital has been the first, and capital and technological strength have been enhanced through mergers, splits, and cooperation, making it a strategic choice for many international material companies in the near future.

The trend of this round of material enterprises has two prominent features:

First, leading companies take the initiative to attack. The head effect in the field of AMOLED organic materials is very significant. UDC has become a leader in the industry with its patented phosphorescent materials, and has maintained a high market share and profit margin for a long time. During this round of operation, UDC signed strategic cooperation agreements with a number of companies to consolidate and strengthen its R&D and production capabilities, and to act positively to maintain its leading position. The next few companies with high market share, but less profitable than UDC, have adopted a shrinking operation strategy such as separation and spin-off, and hope to realize new technologies and new products by focusing on investment direction. Breakthrough to get higher profits.

Second, the demand in the middle and lower reaches leads the focus. Although the commercial application of AMOLED has been successful, some basic technical problems that have plagued the industry from the beginning, such as the short life of blue light materials and the high cost of precious materials for phosphorescent materials, have not been fundamentally solved. Through the application feedback of market practice, the research and development direction of materials companies is more focused on the needs of the middle and lower reaches. TADF materials, materials for inkjet printing, and materials for laminated devices are the key directions for the recent development of materials companies.

The recent international situation has become one of the driving factors for material enterprises to adjust their capital operations and strengthen international cooperation. In the future, with the changes in the market environment and the breakthrough of new technologies and new products, we are likely to see more corporate capital operation methods, and even We are welcoming the fundamental changes in the global material enterprise landscape.